What You'll Learn On Day 1:
How to increase your vitality & aliveness
How to get more grounded and connected
How to find more safety and comfort in your body
Today’s video will challenge you to connect to your Life Force Energy through breathing, movement and visualization.
You’ll discover that to connect, you first have to drop your agenda to change anything. I call this the Paradox of Change and it’s the foundation for all transformation.
On day-one you’ll discover one of the key principles behind everything I teach and do, as I guide you through a simple exercise that you can apply any time, anywhere, to shift from fight-or-flight to flow.
Today’s practice isn’t a breathing exercise, visualization exercise or movement exercise, it’s a connection exercise. Connection naturally happens as you get out of your head and become more aware of the energy and sensations in your body.
By simply breathing, moving and visualizing to connect to the energy within and around you without trying to move, release or change anything you will immediately start to:
Become more aware and present with the Life Force Energy in your body
Connect to your body with kindness, compassion and curiosity
Receive yourself/be with yourself without judgement or agenda
I call the guiding principle behind this exercise the Paradox of Change because change starts happening instantly as soon as we drop our agenda to change anything, do anything, or make something happen.
As you become more fully present with yourself and tune into the feelings, sensations, and subtle feedback from within your body, energy will begin to move spontaneously.
What You'll Learn On Day 2:
What Emotion really is and how to use it more effectively
How to connect to and release tension that you haven’t been able to shake
A way to express deeply held feelings that haven’t had an outlet
Today’s video will challenge you to express your Emotional Energy by adding sound, movement and vibration to the flow of your Life Force Energy.
You’ll discover how to liberate bound-up energy that might feel like tension or a “block” and use it to create more flow in your life.
Today we’re going to explore how emotion works and why it’s so important to connect to and express it.
Emotion is literally “energy-in-motion” in your body and when you don’t move and express what you’re really feeling, that energy builds up in your muscles, tendons, organs and tissues.
When it comes to Emotional Energy, we like it when it feels good but most of us learned to hold it in, ignore it, or otherwise override it when it feels bad.
Sometimes it can feel like it’s too much, too chaotic, too overwhelming, too sad or scary to express our true feelings. So we disconnect from them by tightening up our bodies, clamping down and powering through (and then we wonder why we feel so tight, stiff, anxious, or numb).
If you’re feeling sad, angry, helpless, frustrated or anxious but don’t express those feelings through some type of sound and movement you haven’t actually expressed the emotion.
Expressing Emotional Energy can help you:
Release tension that you haven’t been able to shake
Express deeply held feelings that didn’t have an outlet
Feel more congruent and “OK” with a range of emotions
Today I’m going to show you how to incorporate sound into your practice to activate Emotional Energy. Why sound? Because sound/tone/vibration helps your higher-brain and body connect and release energy that you’ve consciously or unconsciously avoided or overridden.
In this video you’ll discover how to tap into the energy held in your body, and let any unexpressed feelings move as emotion, so you can fuel your life and create your next level of flow.
Now, let’s get start
What You'll Learn On Day 3:
How to get yourself unstuck from repetitive patterns
An exercise to focus your mind and get decisive
How to access the energy to set and hold boundaries
Today’s video will challenge you to focus your Lower Mind Energy by tapping into a part of you that knows deep down, “It’s not really something outside of me that’s holding me back. It’s me. I keep doing this to myself!”
You’ll discover how to fully associate with what you’ve been doing to yourself all along, and then make the decision to make a change instead of going back into suffering
In today’s video you’re going to identify the place in your body where you’ve energetically become “stuck”. Feeling stuck in life stems from doing the same negative thing over and over — whether in your relationships, with food, or through some addictive behavior like drugs, alcohol, sex etc.
When we keep telling ourselves we’re going to do something but don’t, we either get frustrated because we haven’t dealt with the situation, or we drop into suffering and helplessness.
But today that stops!
Accessing Lower Mind Energy helps you:
Get yourself unstuck from repetitive patterns
Focus your mind on what you want or don’t want
Make an important decision
Set and hold boundaries
Today you have the opportunity to dig into that stuck energy, focus your Lower Mind Energy on raising your standards, saying “Yes!” or “No!” to what you want or don’t want, and finally moving forward in your life.
It’s about getting real. It’s about fully associating with what you’ve been doing to yourself all along, and then making the decision to make a change instead of going back to the same pattern.
What You'll Learn On Day 4:
How to open to receive more wisdom and feel more gratitude
A way to open to your natural gifts and creativity
How to tap into the universal rhythm of giving and receiving
Today’s video will challenge you to expand your Heart Energy so you can receive and give more of what you’re really capable of in relationships with both yourself and others.
A good deal of research has been amassed on the heart, and we now know with scientific certainty that the heart is much more than just a pump.
Your heart is actually the most powerful source of electromagnetic energy in your body, with an electrical field that is about 60 times greater than the brain in your head, and a magnetic field that is over 100 times greater.
Our heart affects our mental clarity, creativity, emotional balance and intuition on a very deep level. We literally have a heart-brain, with neural circuitry that allows our heart to feel, sense, learn, remember, and even make decisions.
Becoming “heart centered” requires more than just thinking about being loving, or focusing on gratitude — it requires truly connecting to your Heart Energy — and today you’re going to access your Heart Energy by focusing on your heart, breathing, moving and feeling the flow of your heart’s energy field within and around you.
Expanding your Heart Energy helps you:
Feel more compassion, gratitude and love for yourself and others
Open up to receive even more wisdom and intuition
Allow more of your natural gifts and creativity to flow through you
Today you have the opportunity to open yourself and feel your heart in a deeper and more profound way. I invite you to approach this exercise with compassion for yourself and those around you—and to celebrate the sacred relationship you have with all of life.
What You'll Learn On Day 5:
How to tap into your creative/innovative mind
A way to energize the part of your mind that optimizes your life
How to build the energy to get yourself ready for what’s next
Today’s video will challenge you to elevate your Higher Mind Energy so you can consciously choose to put yourself in the state of readiness for whatever is next in your life.
You’ll discover how to fuel the part of your mind that helps you innovate, create, optimize and utilize higher level thinking, so you can move forward and create your next level, whatever that is
In today’s video you’re going to learn how to energize the part of your mind that allows you to ask higher quality questions like “Is who I’m being right now really the best version of me for this situation?” or “How can I be even more ready to be, do, have and give more?”
Your Higher Mind is the aspect of your consciousness that helps you get inspired by the limitless possibilities that exist, to get ready for what’s next — and get ready to have a greater impact in the world by truly saying “Yes!” to life.
Elevating your Higher Mind Energy helps you:
Disrupt limiting patterns and beliefs and tap into possibility
Build up the energy to optimize and take things to the next level
Get yourself ready for whatever is next in your life
Today you have the opportunity to elevate the energy that propels you forward. I invite you to approach the exercise with optimism and dig deep down to tap into the part of yourself that truly is ready to make things happen!
What You'll Learn On Day 6:
An exercise to access more trust and peace
A way to experience more stillness and flow
How to tap into a higher dimension of consciousness
Today’s video will challenge you to embrace your Soul Energy so you can begin to transcend your thinking mind and open up to guidance from the part of you that exists beyond this physical plane.
You’ll discover how to fuel the connection to your wisdom and knowing, and elevate your perspective to one of more love and compassion.
In todays’ video you will be guided to tap into your Soul Energy, which helps you find a sense of peace right where you are without having to get somewhere else, be someone “better” or figure anything out.
When people connect with their Soul Energy they often feel a sigh of relief from a place deep within them. It’s a feeling of calmness and quiet that comes over you when you finally go beyond your thinking mind and flow into stillness.
Embracing your Soul Energy helps you:
Experience and grow more gratitude
Feel more trust and peace within
Experience more emptiness and stillness
Open to higher dimensions of consciousness
Today you’ll have the opportunity to embrace the spaciousness and stillness that exists just beyond your thinking mind. When you connect to Soul Energy you tap into a timelessness and expansiveness that reminds you that you exist beyond this time, space, dimension— and maybe even lifetime.
What You'll Learn On Day 7:
How to get more connected to the universe within and all around you
A way to experience more synchronicity and flow
A practice to simultaneously ground and expand your consciousness
Today’s video will challenge you to access Infinite Energy so you can experience and celebrate even more of the interconnectedness and synchronicity of all of life.
Infinite Energy fuels your connection to the limitless nature of the universe and taps you into the unified field that interconnects everything and everyone.
In today’s video you will be guided to connect to Infinite Energy, which helps you remember that you are part of the cosmic web in which every single thread is somehow connected.
Infinite Energy helps you celebrate the fact that everything and everyone has a purpose, even if you don’t know or understand it right now.
Accessing Infinite Energy helps you:
Experience more freedom and grace
Tap into the field of abundance within and around you
Experience more synchronicity and flow
Surrender to and celebrate the perfection of “what-is”
When people connect with Infinite Energy they often feel like they’ve somehow come home to themselves and the world.
It’s a feeling of being grounded on the earth and at the same time expanded into the energy field all around you—a sense of synchronicity and effortless-flow as life unfolds from moment to moment.
What You'll Learn On Integration Day:
How to combine all of the exercises for best results
Tips for integrating the exercises into your daily practice
How to know when to do which exercises going forward
The key to getting the most out of what you’ve learned so far is knowing when to do which exercises and why.
This video will help you weave everything you’ve learned together, so you can better use these exercises going forward in your life.
Over the course of the 7 Day Challenge I’ve broken down each of the exercises into their most basic elements, so you could learn the mechanics and the reason for doing them.
In today’s video I’ll guide you through a process integrating all 7 exercises into one flow, so you can experience the rhythm and timing in a more organic way—and get even more depth and benefit.
The 7-Day Challenge, including the Integration process, is a simple introduction to the world of embodied energy practices and I’m so happy that you’ve joined me on the journey so far!
If you want to go even deeper and learn more about the subtle energy system and the relationship between mind, body and consciousness you can check out the Discovering the Fundamentals of Energy course in your dashboard.
In it you’ll discover:
How to determine your Optimal Flow Sequence to unlock even more energy
How to work with Energy Thresholds to shift your reality
How changing your “observer” can change your life
The importance of accessing higher consciousness and ways to do it
Guided exercises and processes for activating all 7 energy centers
The maps and scientific models behind the Energy Flow Formula
Enjoy the Integration video and I’d love to hear about your experience of the 7-Day Challenge on my FB Page!
Wishing you more freedom and flow,