FOUNDER STORY: Presence of Founder on the Website TBD

  • Founder story for establishing trust

  • Macro movements in consumer markets

  • Innovation, transcending boarders

  • Why skincare: repeat purchaces, re-use routine, feel good factor, ingredients & innovation

  • Skin Laundry - service business

  • Financials <> Beauty


  • impenetrable to many from western markets

  • distribution business

  • How to market to chinese - what are the consumer behaviours

  • Biggest Consumer market - 80% of global revenue - numbers dont lie

  • Buying euro/us products in chinese markets

  • contrast in shopping behaviour

  • Gen Z/ millenial / and beyond

  • Amazon western answer to T MALL

  • Animal Testing Loophole going through HK allows for clean beauty

  • Live stream shopping facilitating purchases



  • one login

  • trust

  • convenience

  • efficiency

  • US time poor

  • appeal to chinese consumer in america and europe

  • Clean up re-sellers

  • ownership of search terms

  • 3% marketing budget

  • Well represented online

  • Amazon at check out only?

Global Distribution:

  • SO the brand needs to establish a strong and magnetic identity in order to grow into all areas of exploration:

  • China Amazon Investments and Acquisitions

  • Bilingual presence on site to communication chinese authenticity

What does Super Ordinary Stand for:

  • Generosity

  • Guardians

  • Heart Lead Company

  • Longevity

  • Live Young - redefining youth - inner child play

  • Joy

  • Modern Open

  • Demonstrating Core Values

  • Leader in intercommunication

  • Connection

  • Upward Spiral of Giving

Website Research:

YES - sites that represent Super Ordinary


NO - websites that DO NOT represent Super Ordinary


Visual Code for representing China & Global markets:

  • Inclusive

  • Bilingual

  • International

  • Citizens of the world

  • Transgressing Boarders

  • Uniting world vision

  • Renegade

  • Expansive

  • Accessible

  • Intuitive navigation

  • Optimise Global Chanels and pathways

  • facilitate trade

Unifying EAST and WEST markets:

  • Credibility

  • Comprehensive knowledge of behaviour of both cultures

  • Combining modernism and ancient knowledge

  • Looking at symbolism of earth, fire, wood, metal and air in Chinese medicine in relation to clean beauty

  • Research the Symbolism of colour between the two cultures

The use of red:

  • Colour red

  • Chinese flag

  • Vermillion Boarder on lip

  • The red lip is a sign of beauty in both cultures

  • red lip in ancient china - to please gods uplift mood, red lip in modern western culture to indicate female independence

  • Multipul variations of red

  • Meaning of red in chinese culture: vitality, lucky, joy, ward off evil

  • Meaning of red in western culture: heat, activity, passion, sexuality, anger, love, and joy.


  • Tool for discovery

  • Representing brands

  • Community

  • Connection

  • Education

  • Self care the transcends boarders, Flex, Genderless, Classless

  • Incubator for growing and acquiring brands, giving them the avenues to develop and grow into

  • Mentorship program - access to education - opportunity


Moma, Dover St Market, Prada Foundation:

Example of look and feel that DOES represent Super Ordinary



CREATIVE AGENCY - Containing Multi brand Portfolio:

Screen Shot 2020-12-10 at 10.12.09 AM.png

Screen Shot 2020-12-10 at 10.17.46 AM.png


Example of look and feel that DOES NOT represent Super Ordinary

Digital Journey Concept:

Describe movemement and discovery through animated text, video and gifs - lively energetic

  • Show me more

  • Journey

  • Discovery

  • Interactive

  • Animated

  • Adventurous

  • Evolving

Global connection through video:


  • Infomercial

  • Soap Opera

  • Vignettes

  • Science

  • Facts

  • Chemistry

Customer Interaction and Capturing data:

on the site with archetype quiz

Screen Shot 2020-12-10 at 10.26.38 AM.png

SUPER ORDINARY: ‘It comes from the idea of being exciting and different (super), while also being inclusive and common (ordinary) all at the same time. I always love names that make you think, hence memorable. The practice of distributing products is not new, but we are reinventing how and where it's done.’

  • Confidence

  • Exuberance

  • Joy

  • Solid Data & Facts

  • Trust

  • Magnetism

  • Expansive

  • Limitless

  • Dream Big

  • Upward Spiral

  • Feel Good

  • Healthy and Wealthy



What is Super Ordinary - Higher order of brand mission

  • Global distribution with key market in China

  • Bring brands to global status 

  • Mastering macro markets

  • Building equity and brand value - growing their business

  • Upward spiral generating more opportunities for growth

  • Generating global demand

  • Facilitator 

  • Incubation - brand swat team - distribution across all channels

  • Tailoring and Localizing branding to reach the key marketing - knowing your customer - speaking their language literally and metaphorically 

  • Key player in the global beauty & wellness - equivalent of LVMH

  • Democratizing Beauty

  • High End brands

  • Long term partnerships - perpetuity

  • Become indispensable to brands 

    Super Ordinary will go public build value of company.

SuperOrdinary has proven itself to be anything but ordinary. Spouting wisdom for those who listen with a keen ear, Reis’s philosophy of “collaboration, not hierarchy; respect, not competition” is a welcome reminder at a time when the world at large calls for unity to heal. Reis built his team on this bedrock of inclusivity and SuperOrdinary continues to excel in large part due to the company-wide premium placed on integrity. “Radical honesty,” Reis expounds, “is an important entrepreneurial lesson. We spend a lot of our time talking around a subject when we should face the hard truths head-on, especially when building a company.” True in business and in life, success is best earned whilst honoring human understanding and cultural sensitivity, and SuperOrdinary, with good reason, is supremely proud of the reputation and relationships it has fostered by being super-ordinary. - Du Jour Magazine


see below for links to sites and notes

Clarity in text presentation and POV

Clarity in text presentation and POV

Very dry - bit too businessy:

Very dry - bit too businessy:

direct opeinging statement:

direct opeinging statement:

Interesting use of motion graphics, introducing brands what they have accomplished:

Interesting use of motion graphics, introducing brands what they have accomplished:

Clear - but too dry, dont like the imagery of people:

Clear - but too dry, dont like the imagery of people:

Listing numberically - simple. and straight - does it feel old fashioned?

Listing numberically - simple. and straight - does it feel old fashioned?

no - too dry:

no - too dry:

brand wall paper

brand wall paper

direct branding, clear messaging, numerical piece in opening statement:

direct branding, clear messaging, numerical piece in opening statement:

Way of listing stable of brands

Way of listing stable of brands

Why does it exist? Purpose - what does our brand say about the world

  • Julien spotted gap in the market and created the pathway blazed a trail for European and American brands to launch in China. 

  • A desire to make clean beauty available and the norm world wide

  • De-mystified market - creating clearer communication

  • Offer clean distribution to China - took out animal testing out of the equasion by going through HK

  • There is a desire for a unified vision, and clean global choice in beauty/wellness

  • Clarity in leading with quality brands with vision

  • Need for Strategic partners for great concepts to grow

  • Business knowledge and market experience.

  • Funding to bring brands into existence

  • To Foster brands into being

  • To create healthy and wealthy markets


  • Clean 

  • Digitally Native 

  • Strong Identity/mission

  • Global vision


  • Chemicals

  • Testing on Animals

  • Low Quality Product / Poor brand ethos

  • Isolated or ‘blind’ brands

 “To truly operate in China you have to be there, and SO saves brands the time and bureaucracy involved in setting up their own China teams,” 

Enticement - What does SO do for your brand

  • Love brands, staying power, relevance, room for development, Integrity

  • Become distribution partner

  • Globalizes your brand

  • Demystifies foreign markets

  • One contact point for global distribution

  • One stop shop

  • Fostering development

  • Reporting 

  • Honor differences and help brands negotiate and cater to foreign markets

  • Data and money growth

  • Facts 

Beauty of the business - What does SO add to the world beyond business - map it out

  • Incubator section - explore, further acquisitions, clean as standard & eco mission/packaging

  • mentorship program

Key takeaways:

  • Global independent beauty brands have a clear opportunity to expand their businesses in China but need help navigating the complexities of the market.

  • Incubator SuperOrdinary launched in 2018 to bridge the gap between the Chinese and international beauty worlds.

  • E-commerce and social strategies, plus a thorough understanding of import border controls for beauty products, fall in SuperOrdinary’s wheelhouse.


  • Example of Amazon businesses Thrasio

  • Clear confident messaging

  • Lacks elegance, aesthetic appeal to connect to and entice beauty brands


  • Betaworks great bench mark for Super Ordinary

  • Strong, confident lead and brand ID

  • Good use of red indicating power and strength

  • Clear Navigation clickable links

  • Open for expansion into different ventures -studios, ventures, camp etc. examples below

Clear explanations, factual, numbers.

Clear explanations, factual, numbers.

Betaworks Ventures - investments, fostering brands

Betaworks Ventures - investments, fostering brands

clear simplistic explainations

clear simplistic explainations

Betaworks studios - incubator, cultivating talent, creativity, young brand building etc.

Betaworks studios - incubator, cultivating talent, creativity, young brand building etc.


  • Founder quote as manifesto on homepage

  • Voice translated in quotes throughout the fabric of the site

  • Demonstrates expansive company



Example of journey for the business when joining SO


  • Word of mouth

  • Info & product transfer - size of brand, revenue,

  • No - too small, not enough awareness, price point too high

  • Term sheet 3 year + 3 year contract 


  • Price revenue forecast

  • Integrate with team weekly


  • 4-8 people 

  • Localise assets

  • Go to market strategy

  • Register brand trade markets etc.


  • Rhythm - bi - weekly interaction 

  • Test products - team in china - social listening, number of posts, media impressions, attribution by channel

  • Preliminary feedback - what will and wont work in the market

  • Insights pick SKUs they want to launch

  • Assign a SO team to the brand

  • Team will identify target consumer for this brand


  • All of Social strategy for each of the platforms -attribution by chanel eg: wavo, wechat, tmall, tiktok

  • Match influencer with brand - Austin Li, Sunny

  • Schedule live stream with eg: Austin Li

  • Super Ordinary do forecasting and write PO

  • Receive products 

  • Ready for distribution

  • Build out store fronts on TMall, Little Red Brook, 

  • Ready to launch - switch on marketing

  • Off with a bang high volume


  • valuable information, product development, brand strategy

Case Study of brand journey with metrics (SO to provide case study)

  • Pharmacy brand as case study for reference


Reports data for considering info design ( SO to provide)

  • Share percentages, sell points, overall size of the market, how big are the brand

  • Tmall data - what they are doing in the markets

  • International brands - 100 million dollars in sales in ones

  • 1111 - 1.3 billion in sales - 600 million dollars - seduce me!


Creative representation of the Intersection of financials & beauty 

  • How do we represent the beauty business through numbers?

  • Real time information - ticker?

  • Representation of number of people shopping on line live in china to give understanding of scale?

Data Visualisation:

Preattentive features

“Preattentive processing occurs before conscious attention. Preattentive features are processed very quickly and in parallel, within around 10 milliseconds. The nice property of preattentive features is that the speed of their recognition and analysis does not depend on the amount of disturbance around them. In the example above, the red dots can be spotted at a glance. But if you try to count them, the process gets much slower because it requires conscious attention. Shape and size are preattentive features.”

Motion as an interpolation of data values

This type of animation is usually used to portray those variations or evolutions and allows users to see the trends in them. Motion as an interpolation of data values is usually seen in chronologies or time-series where historical moments are presented. The best example is the visualization Gapminder, that shows the worldwide evolution of different rates.



Chosen Direction - 1 Red Thread of Fate:

Love List:

  • House of Global Beauty,

  • The world moves fast but we move faster,

  • Heat maps for global,

  • Future Forecasters of Beauty,

  • Colours - Red, White, Black, Camel/Paper


  • Red to vibrant red of sweatshirt (neon red too close to pink?)

  • RO logo too close to Radio Shack - But like the difference in fonts living together

  • Explore SO as secondary logo



  • Love the concept. Red line of fate so beautiful, would love to integrate that stary at the end of our “about” page.

  • Like shorthand “SO” on page 57

  • Red too light (like red in craft book, red in sweatshirt)

  • R logo same as radio shack

  • Color palette: Not into all the black on digital (love in print). Maybe change to camel color of the binder book. Very sophisticated

  • Site palette: Black text on white background. Use red for accent on numbers, quotes, other highlights.

  • Love the annual report

  • Love “House of Global Beauty”: Coming home, family

  • “The world moves fast but we move faster”

  • Logo legibility bit of an issue, especially if English is not their first language, don’t want it to be prohibitive. Do like the separate treatments for Super and Ordinary. Even if just written out and not joined at the “RO”. Need to work on the logo

  • Could be bit bolder and braver with the text, i.e. SO annual report text very strong.

  • Love the “SUPER” in logo, “ordinary” might need a bit more work

  • Love the timezone switch on website

  • Love the logo animation unraveling. Very clear journey telling

  • Many opportunities to use the red line

  • Love the data layout


  • Looks more like a brand, similar to the ordinary

  • A bit too muted, esp for china

  • Love the heat map. Could combine red line and heat map.

  • Love crisp design of website

Reference for Navigation:

Navigation Template: THG:

  • Home - House of Global Beauty

  • Our Brands - Family, underlined with testimonials from clients/brands

  • About Us - Founder Story, Quote from Julien -Team & heat map for global presence - include press quotes here?

  • Giving Back The Red Thread Program - Diversity/Inclusive Mentor/Fostering Program for experience, network and connections

  • Contact - Grow with us - Join The Journey

  • Services - Amazon (reduce waste policy?) and China the journey (no animal testing required policy?)

  • News - Press as separate navigation or as part of about us?

Feed back Feb 20th:

B2B: - data visualisation - product focus video - animation of text - strong selling points

Selling services push services and attributes:

  • what are we selling?

  • what can we do for you?

  • Growth - Big data

  • Global reach - heat map

Live feed to represent community and global reach :

  • number of people shopping world wide

  • number of people in china shopping

  • number of orders on amazon

*Video Examples below - Not the correct look and feel for SO - we can create something much more exciting, Interestingly we can not find good references of big data being shown in elegant way love the direction that has started to be developed, looking forward to taking it further.

Text Animations:

  • increasing fast fire education potential with key words

Product and People:

love the treatments - emphasis products over people

The Shelfie:

  • love to explore idea of the shelfie with all our brands

  • collections

Clean Product Photography:

  • Group shots, close ups, swatches etc.

Strong Directions:

  • Love giant quotes to tell brand story in founders voice. relatable, personable and scannable.

  • Bring big quotes into brand testimonials, about page etc.

  • Community and founder voices conversational

Strong Visualisations:

  • Love social direction

  • really enjoy the use of verticals with text, feels ownable and would love to see more

Review - 3.16.2021

  • Love the elegance in design of the first version

  • text spacing and placement

  • weight of line

  • use of Chinese characters on the vertical

Notes to confirm before handing over to developer:

Versions of resolution-:

  • Phone

  • iPad 

  • Laptop

  • Desktop 

  • Home page, and about page 

  • Site works and loads the same in all the major browsers: chrome, safari, Firefox

Dynamic Design

  • animated vitality

  • spacing

  • weight of line

  • Write code to animate? CSS / Java script vs video? (aware of site loading time.)

  • Red line animates down page / ticker etc. - dynamic elements coded?

Ownership of website:

  • Editing - what elements can we edit and not edit?

  • Can we add new pages?

  • Update text elements and images? eg adding new brand to the stable

  • What do we do moving forward in terms of updates?

  • What does the handover of ownership look like

  • testing period - staging site before going live


The beauty of nature transformed through science within the walls of the most advanced biotech lab. The nerdy side of science and the charming side of beauty can co-exist. We lDrawing on our rich history of science and sustainability, we create skincare that is incredibly effective and safe without harming the environment or animals. Because the products you use make a difference for your health and the health of the planet.

Dr. Dennis Gross

We are a dermatologist-founded brand. As a practicing dermatologist, Dr. Gross is an unwavering advocate for his patients, consumers and humanity - bound by the Hippocratic oath to do no harm. His mission – and ours – is to improve your skin health, how it looks, but most importantly how it makes you feel. As a former skin cancer researcher and practicing dermatologist, Dr. Gross has a unique understanding of healthy skin and holds a firm belief that skin should never be damaged in the quest to better it. Skincare is science – constantly advancing with new information and technology. We take a research-backed approach to evaluating ingredients and their potential to harm vs. their purpose within the formulation.

Drunk Elephant

Drunk Elephant is clean, but in our opinion, “clean” is not enough when it comes to caring for skin. We make “Clean Compatible” skincare. Drunk Elephant is committed to using only ingredients that either directly benefit the skin’s health or support the integrity and effectiveness of our formulations. We never take into account an ingredient’s synthetic or natural status, but instead choose based on biocompatibility. You won’t find what we call the “Suspicious 6” in our products (Essential Oils, Drying Alcohols, Silicones, Chemical Sunscreens, Fragrances/Dyes, SLS) making them, in our opinion, appropriate for all skin.


Farmacy uses cutting-edge science to harness the healing powers of ingredients found in nature. The result is farm-to-face skincare that lives up to its full potency and potential through clean, thoughtful formulas.


HUM's mission is simple: to become the best beauty nutrition business in the world. We achieve this by connecting you with a free personal nutritionist, who will review your information to create your free personal profile and products that are rooted in science. Depending on your needs, our nutritionists suggest micro nutrients that help you support your health & beauty goals. All this happens online and to make your life easier, we ship personalized vitamins, minerals and botanicals right to your doorstep.


Founded in 2004, MALIN+GOETZ is a fusion of matthew malin’s and andrew goetz’s corresponding passions for beauty and design. The products are made to be both gentle and effective, for all skin types, and for all genders. each formula blends natural ingredients powered by advanced technologies to make skincare easy, starting with sensitive skin.

MILK Makeup

Our community and culture have always been our inspiration. We see personal style and experimentation as the ultimate forms of self-expression. It’s not just about how you create your look; it’s what you do in it that matters. Live your look with Milk MAKEUP.


Meet OLAPLEX, the single molecule that sets us apart and has forever changed the game of hair care. Developed by world-class material scientists, our unique chemistry is proven to dramatically repair, protect, and strengthen all hair types.


OUAI means yes in that casual French way. It’s about saying yes to real hair for real life. And to looking chic, no matter how many followers you have. To give you the confidence to win life your OUAI.


From a collective of some of the most forward-thinking, rule-bending hairstylists in the business, R+Co hair care is all about creating an experience. From the polished packaging to the sophisticated fragrances, R+Co shampoos, conditioners, and styling products are designed to evoke a feeling, place, style, or attitude. Achieve a camera-ready blowout, off-duty-model texture, or anything in between with products created with industry expertise and a uniquely rebellious spirit.

Rodan + Fields

Rodan + Fields is a leading skincare brand founded in 2000 by Stanford-trained Dermatologists Dr. Katie Rodan and Dr. Kathy Fields with a passion for giving people the best skin of their lives and the confidence that comes with it.


SABON draws its inspiration from this place of wonder and mythical legend. In our modern life, where nature becomes rare and precious, we wish to slow down, take more time for ourselves, feel the little moments of happiness, reconnect with what really matters. SABON invites you to live an enchanted parenthesis, a slow life holistic experience, to reconnect to the power of the senses and rejuvenate the body and mind.

Skyn Iceland

Launched in 2005, Skyn is a clean skincare brand with no harsh chemicals, 100% vegan and cruelty free. Our inspiration comes from nature, in the pure unspoiled natural resources of Iceland – With its mineral rich waters, antioxidant powered berries, soothing algaes and mosses and immune boosting angelica archangelica. With these potent naturals, we created products that soothe, stabilize, fortify and nourish skin, bringing it back into balance and returning it to a glowing, youthful state.

Sol de Janiero

We’ve captured the spirit and beauty secrets of Brazil with a full-on sensorial collection of the finest quality products. Infused and bursting with nutrient-rich and skin-worshipping ingredients from the Amazon. Experience the luxurious textures and sensations, amazing scents, and positive power of Brazilian beauty care. Come join the party! It’s an open invitation to open your heart and love your body. Welcome to SOL de Janeiro.


Welcome to StriVectin. We make award-winning, smart skincare solutions for aging and changing skin, powered by barrier-boosting NIA-114™ technology, a proprietary, optimized form of Niacin that only we have. Formulated for every skin type, tone and every age, we validate 100% of our finished formulas through independent clinical testing, because we never settle for anything less than real, visible results.

Sunnies Face

We’d like to introduce our dream project. It started by answering a frequently asked question—what lipstick is she wearing? Creating new things and playing with color is what we do best at Sunnies Studios and we wanted to make that come alive with our makeup line. It’s everything we love about beauty that we think you’d love, too.


Supergoop!  is  the  first  protective  skincare  brand  that  puts  sunscreen at the forefront of everything.  For over 10 years, our mission  has  been  to  challenge  consumer  myths  about  SPF  and  its  perception  as  a  seasonal  product.  Supergoop!  creates  highly  innovative,   feel-good   skincare   and   beauty   essentials   that   make wearing protective ingredients easy and fun throughout every  step  of  your  routine  -  so  SPF  isn’t  a  chore,  but  a  ritual...Every. Single. Day. 

The Ordinary 

The Ordinary is an evolving collection of treatments offering familiar, effective clinical technologies positioned to raise pricing and communication integrity in skincare. The brand was created to celebrate integrity in its most humble and true form. Its offering is pioneering, not in the familiar technologies it uses, but in its honesty and integrity. The Ordinary is born to disallow commodity to be disguised as ingenuity. The Ordinary is “Clinical formulations with integrity”.

imagery we have

Imagery to request:


  1. Farmacy

  2. Drunk Elephant

  3. Deciem

  4. Olaplex

  5. Supergoop

  6. Malin+Goetz

  7. Ouai

  8. Milk Makeup

  9. Dr Dennis Gross

  10. Sabon

  11. Sunnies Face

  12. Skyn Iceland

  13. Hum Nutrition

  14. Sol de Janeiro

  15. R+Co

  16. StriVectin

  17. Biossance

  18. Rodan & Fields

  19. Dr.Brandt


About to sign:


  1. Herbivore Botanicals